What is Hypnobirthing? Science.

Lets start with what it's not... It's not 'woo' or for hippies! It doesn't mean you have to have a home birth, or give birth in a forest. It's not 'just breathing'. It doesn't mean pain relief is banned. It doesn't hypnotise you to act like a chicken! Far from it....

When you think of birth, what comes to mind? Possibly fear from all the negative stories you've heard from friends and family, and dramatic scenes we've seen on TV and films.

We tend to fear birth and focus on the pain and the dramatic, rushed birth scenes. These  stories are stored in our subconscious, which is there to protect us. So when we think of birth, we recall these, our bodies tense and fear. Fight or flight. 

Well birth doesn't have to be like that. Now, take a slow, deep breath and feel your muscles relax.

Hypnobirthing is knowledge for a positive birth - not a perfect birth. When you understand how your body works, and how your mind works, what birth can look like, when you have a plan whichever way it goes, when you trust your birth partner and understand what's happening....then you replace fear with relaxation, positivity, excitement and empowerment....imagine that!

What will Hypnobirthing teach you?

You and your birth partner will learn skills to quickly go into deep relaxation to have a calm and positive birth. These relaxation skills will last a lifetime! I use them every day when I feel myself getting stressed.

You understand what's happening with your body so there's no fear of the pain, there's no tension, you understand your rights and options including pain relief if this is what you choose.

You’ll have the knowledge and a plan to make the right decisions for you, your positive birth and your baby, whichever way it goes. Your birth partner will be learning with you too, and they'll realise the vital role they have in supporting you, and you'll have a huge tool box with techniques that will enable you to stay calm and relaxed (not 'just' breathing!).

Birth isn’t medical unless you decide it is and your body is built to do this. Be empowered and birth your way - your body, your baby, your birth.

Celebrities who used Hypnobirthing

Kate Middleton: "I found it very calming and peaceful. It takes a lot of the fear and misconception out of labor and childbirth, and focuses on the power of the mind, and the body’s ability to give birth without intervention.”

Giovanna Fletcher "Hypnobirthing is all about finding the right headspace to help you relax and focus during labour. It’s not about making unrealistic promises, but rather giving women the tools they need to cope with the pain and uncertainty of childbirth. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is pregnant and wants to have a positive birth experience.”

Angelina Jolie “I did meditation classes and I did breathing classes, and I was able to keep my focus on my breathing and my children and my partner. And, fortunately, I had a great doctor who understood the whole thing and was really supportive.”

Fearne Cotton "I had an incredible birth. I did a hypnobirthing course which enabled me to have a really natural and calm experience.”

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