Client Testimonials

Empowerment through knowledge in first pregnancy

"I feel empowered by my knowledge"

E & K - First time parents: Personalised Workshop - June 2024

"My partner and I completed the 4hour Workshop with Sophie as first time expecting parents. 

She gave us an abundance of knowledge and tools to feel excited about birth, rather than scared. I feel empowered by my knowledge and am creating a safe space around me to go into these last few weeks with a positive outlook.

We can’t thank Sophie enough!"

High Risk Pregnancy - IVF, High BMI, Over 40

"highly recommend her *whatever* type of birth you are going to have."

K & M - First time parents: Personalised Complete Course - June 2024

"Sophie has been incredibly supportive, caring & informative through our sessions. The techniques she has taught will no doubt help us and I'm very grateful for that. As I said to her - she brought us a ray of sunshine when we really needed it, hope & empowerment so I would highly recommend her *whatever* type of birth you are going to have."


Positive birth with epidural at Royal Berkshire Hospital

"Your course empowered him to be an incredible partner during the birth."

A & D - Second time parents - Personalised Workshop - May 2024

"I wanted to reach out and express my deepest gratitude for the hypnobirthing course, it made such a significant difference in my birthing experience. I was induced at 39 weeks and 4 days due to reduced movement and only measuring 33 weeks. We challenged whether the induction was necessary, but it was medically advised because they were unsure if the placenta was functioning properly. Fortunately, the induction didn't work, and I went into labour naturally over the next few hours. Despite the epidural only working on one side of my body, I was able to remain calm and focused and able to manage the surges. 

Your guidance, especially the breathing techniques of inhaling for 4 and exhaling for 8, was invaluable. These techniques helped turn what could have been a stressful situation into a positive and healing experience, especially given the trauma I had from [my first labour].

I am thrilled to share that [baby] was born healthy and safe, weighing 6lb 7oz. The labour was truly a dream, and I believe that your support and the tools you provided played a massive role in that.

[Dad] was the best support and biggest cheerleader throughout the process, and your course empowered him to be an incredible partner during the birth.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did for us. Your course gave me the confidence and skills I needed to have a positive birth experience, and I am incredibly grateful."


Positive Caesarean at Royal Berkshire Hospital

"It was our birth and our choice." 

N & D - Second time parents - Personalised Workshop - April 2024

"My husband and I decided to do a hypnobirthing course in preparation for the arrival of our second born. We had had a traumatic emergency c-section with our first and we wanted a different experience with our second. Sophie was professional and knowledgeable. She guided us through the hypnobirthing processes and techniques. 

We hadn’t decided on whether we wanted to try for natural or have a planned c-section this time around so Sophie helped us prepare for both. She never tried to sway us in either direction and kept reminding us that it was our birth and our choice. When we wrote our birth plan, she read through our plans and offered ideas of things that we could include or things to consider.

She supported us through the whole process and we ended up having 2 comprehensive birth plans for either birthing option - the midwives applauded us on the day our daughter was born for how comprehensive our plans were as they accounted for the multitude possible outcomes. 

We ended up having an emergency c-section and even through the chaos that was going on around us, we were able to use what we learned in our workshop to remain calm and to advocate for the right to choose even in an emergency. We are so grateful to Sophie and the service that she offers. Without her, we wouldn’t have had the confidence to trust our instincts and calmness to advocate for ourselves in an emergency situation."


" We left feeling empowered and full of knowledge ready to birth our baby our way!!" 

L & M - First time parents - Group workshop - December 2023

"Sophie was absolutely amazing and made us feel at ease instantly!!!

The course was delivered well and having entered the session with no expectations of what to expect from the session left feeling empowered and full of knowledge ready to birth our baby our way!!"

"I felt so much calmer and confident in giving birth"

E & O - Second time parents - Personalised Workshop - January 2024

"Sophie has been fantastic! I was looking for a refresher Hypnobirthing course late in my second pregnancy as I had started to feel some anxiety around giving birth. 

After two sessions with Sophie I felt so much calmer and confident in giving birth. Of all the things you can invest in during your pregnancy this should be top of your list. 

Taking the time to learn about birth, calming breathing techniques, your birth partners role and how to make informed choices about your birth experience. I feel empowered and ready to meet my second son."

"The confidence and empowerment it gave us when delivering our baby was invaluable"

A & A - Fourth time parents - Personalised workshop - December 2023

"Hypnobirthing has been so effective that we've used the techniques for three births!

This time round, Sophie provided two amazing at home sessions for us. The confidence and empowerment it gave us when delivering our baby was invaluable and I would strongly encourage every pregnant woman to invest in hypnobirthing sessions.

How you choose to birth and the beautiful experience it can be is the best gift to yourself and your baby.

Thank you Sophie for being a guiding star 💫”


"...last session feeling empowered and excited for the future"

C & D - First time parents - 1:1 Complete Course - November 2023

"Sophie is amazing! We walked into the first session not having a clue what to expect from birth and full of nerves to walking out the last session feeling empowered and excited for the future. Sophie is so kind, patient and understanding. She has so much knowledge and kind and reassuring advice. 

I would thoroughly recommend the full hypnobirthing course to anyone, having it spread over a few weeks gave us chance to think of questions and consolidate the sessions in between. 

Thank you so much Sophie!"


Positive Homebirth Story with the Royal Berkshire Hospital Homebirth Team

"We both felt armed with the knowledge and tools to understand what was happening and to feel confident"

B & C - Second time parents - Personalised workshop - September 2023

"Having done an online hypnobirthing course in my last pregnancy (during covid) I wanted a refresher this time around and Sophie’s course was perfect for this. We couldn’t commit to 4 or 5 weeks of evenings with another little one at home and Sophie was very flexible with location and timing so it suited us. Sophie is so passionate about birth, and home birth in particular, and this came across very strongly in our initial call and during the course itself. 

We got lots of tips even down to having pastries for the midwives which went down well! My first labour was very quick and this one was even quicker at just over 1 hour. It would have been easy/natural to panic with such quick progression and the midwives not being there for most of the time but we both felt armed with the knowledge and tools to understand what was happening and to feel confident that we could both handle this. 

I also felt very confident to advocate for myself during antenatal appointments and during Labour itself, as did my partner.
 Thank you Sophie for helping us to have a positive birth!"


"I am excited and looking forward to my positive birth" 

L & M - First time parents - 1:1 Complete Course - March 2023

"I wasn’t sure what to expect with hypnobirthing but Sophie made me feel so comfortable and her studio was so relaxing as soon as we walked in. 

The thought of giving birth has scared me since I found out I was pregnant but after Sophie’s course I now feel informed, confident and empowered to give birth.

 My perception has changed and I am excited and looking forward to my positive birth. I recommend it to anyone who may be feeling the same as I was."


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