Developmental Baby Massage Course

4 week course - £50
Thursday 10am & Friday 9.30am 

Developmental baby massage isn't your average baby massage. It's relaxation techniques for mum and deep connection with your baby, whilst encouraging and developing your babies' muscles and skeletal system to support their normal development.  No pressure, no competition, no judgement. It's about you and your baby. 

This is a 4 week course for babies from 6+ weeks, after you've had your GP check up. My courses are accredited by FEDANT.

I trained with Peter Walker, an internationally accredited and widely respected teacher of Developmental Baby Massage who has pioneered the practice of Developmental Baby Massage for babies and children from the 1980s onwards and has been working with mothers and babies for over 40 years.

Each week we start with a 'check in' as to how you're feeling, discussing highs and lows of the week (without judgement and with full support). We then move on to focussing on your breath to relax you while you have your hand on your baby's tummy to connect and enabling you to focus on the moment and bond with your baby. Then gentle stretches for you and a lovely massage for baby, focussing on different areas each week. We end with a 'check out' of how you're now feeling. You're then welcome to stay in the hub for a drink and biscuit, or pop over to the onsite Cafe with your new friends. 

Developmental baby massage classes are held in the A Mother World Hub at Moss End Garden Village in Berkshire. Spaces are limited.

Small intimate group, 4 week course. Includes massage oil, treats, and Whatsapp Chat for all the mums to join.

Thursday classes start at 10am and Friday classes start at 9.30am and last for an hour - ish. Ish because it's my dedicated space, so you're welcome to stay for a chat!

Baby Massage Course Dates




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