The Complete Antenatal + Hypnobirthing Course

Personalised Course: £365
Small Group: £225

Around 10 hours of classes covering everything for a positive, relaxed and informed pregnancy and birth, however and wherever you birth your baby. This is a full, in person antenatal Hypnobirthing course where we go into a lot of detail and you can pick my brains about anything! You don't have to do another antenatal course such as NCT with this one, and you get my full support throughout pregnancy and beyond. 

 You get access to the client area to do your own research via the resources available and 6 guided hypnosis audio files.

Join this 10(ish) hour 5* rated in person Antenatal Hypnobirthing group course for your positive birth - however and wherever you decide to birth! Ideal from 24+ weeks of pregnancy - birthing person and their birth partner so pleas ensure you can both make all the dates. 

Coffee, cake and a wonderful goodie bag included!

  • Understand what is happening with the mind and body during birth and how they work together
  • Acknowledge and release fears
  • How to quickly and deeply relax (and we practice!) 
  • How to promote the production of birthing hormones
  • Breathing techniques
  • Reframing data and 'risks'
  • Language
  • Retrain your brain
  • Anchors for relaxation
  • Group discussions 
  • Birth Environment
  • Tools to navigate your choices 
  • Informed consent
  • All the pain relief options
  • What are interventions?
  • Your choices if you choose Caesarean
  • Third stage of labour
  • Positions for birthing (Biomechanics)
  • Birth plan
  • Caesarean (planned and unplanned)
  • Postnatal Planning
  • Personalised tips
  • .....and SO much more...
  • This is a fun and interactive event
  • Drinks and cake included!
  • Ongoing support from Sophie, whenever you may need it including signposting to local services
  • Access to the Client Area of the A Mother World website
  • Be the first to hear about baby massage & baby yoga classes

Group classes will be held at the A Mother World Hub at Moss End Garden Village. Personalised classes are held where you feel most comfortable - the Hub, or your home. 

Hypnobirthing classes in Berkshire

Small Group Antenatal + Hypnobirthing Complete Course 

October (for December/January due dates) 


Saturday 5th October 9.30am - 12.30pm // Saturday 12th October 9.30am - 12.30pm // Friday 18th October 6.00pm - 9.00pm

Very limited spaces - max 4 birth teams

December (for February/March due dates)


Saturday 30th November 9.30am - 12.30pm // Saturday 7th December 9.30am - 12.30pm // Friday 13th December 6.00pm - 9.00pm

Very limited spaces - max 4 birth teams

Sophie is amazing! We walked into the first session not having a clue what to expect from birth and full of nerves to walking out the last session feeling empowered and excited for the future. Sophie is so kind, patient and understanding. She has so much knowledge and kind and reassuring advice.

I would thoroughly recommend the full hypnobirthing course to anyone, having it spread over a few weeks gave us chance to think of questions and consolidate the sessions in between.
Thank you so much Sophie!

C & D - 2023

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